Purchase raffle tickets, contribute hunting experiences, donate items, show your support for our cause, or offer your time as a volunteer.
Montana SCI consistently offers volunteer opportunities, particularly from November to March when we are preparing for our annual Banquet and Live Auction. We are constantly seeking fresh and enthusiastic individuals to join us as volunteers. All donations undergo a meticulous selection process by the Live Auction Committee. Kindly note that all donations should be submitted using the donor forms provided below. To ensure consideration for the March banquet, all donations must be received by the Live Auction Committee (via the online donor form) no later than February 1st. Should you have any inquiries or concerns regarding the online donor form, please utilize the contact form to submit your question or concern.
Protecting Your Hunting Rights, Conservation and Wildlife Management Worldwide. Join us and help preserve America's hunting tradition.
Safari Club International Nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife, education of the people, and the protection of hunters’ rights.
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