Montana SCI is looking for volunteers from November to March to help prepare for their annual Banquet and Live Auction. All donations for the auction must be submitted using the provided donor forms by February 1st to be considered for the March banquet. If you have any questions about the online donor form, please use the contact form to submit your inquiry.
Please have ready as applicable:
Your company info
Value of your donation USD
The percentage of your donation to be allocated to Montana Chapter SCI
Minimum auction price USD
Minimum amount you require back USD
A photo of your item for uploading
We'll start with your company information. Items with an asterisk* are required.
NOTE - IF THIS IS A HUNT DONATION, please fill-out the Hunt Donation form instead of this form.
Protecting Your Hunting Rights, Conservation and Wildlife Management Worldwide. Join us and help preserve America's hunting tradition.
Safari Club International Nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife, education of the people, and the protection of hunters’ rights.
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