Support the Montana SCI Banquet by donating a hunt and join the fight to preserve America's hunting traditions.

Montana SCI is looking for volunteers from November to March to help prepare for their annual Banquet and Live Auction. All donations for the auction must be submitted using the provided donor forms by February 1st to be considered for the March banquet. If you have any questions about the online donor form, please use the contact form to submit your inquiry.

Dear Fellow Hunter,

Please answer the questions below. They are designed to help us get to know you, our newest chapter member. Welcome!

You must be an SCI National member in order to become a member of a local chapter. The Montana Chapter membership is $20.00 annually or a 3 year membership for $60. Please follow the link below first, if you are not a member of the National SCI.

Become a member of National SCI at: Sign Up Here

Join or renew your Montana SCI membership by filling out the form below.
3 Year MT SCI Membership – $60
1 Year MT SCI Membership – $20

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